Mbsm.pro, Embraco, Aspera, NEK2150CK, 1/2 hp, freezing (LBP), 121 cm3, R404A /RS07A / R452A


Embraco Aspera, commercial refrigerator
NEK2150CK, freezing (LBP), 121 cm?3, R404A /
RS07A / R452A

  • Aspera refrigeration compressor for freezing: 381W at -30°C.
  • Single-phase engine with a swept volume of 12.11 cm? displacement.
  • This professional compressor made in Europe stands out for its high
    energy efficiency, increased reliability and remarkable quietness.
  • NEK2150GK is a small compressor that can be successfully used to be
    refrigerator compressor, showcase compressor and refrigerator-freezer.
  • Compared to other piston compressors on the market, Embraco Aspera
    technology stands out in that, during operation, energy consumption
    varies and adapts, leading to a reduction of even 40%.
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