Archives des Tester ok - Page 10 of 17 - MBSM DOT PRO
image_pdfimage_print , جدول بأنواع الزيوت المناسبة لوسائط وضواغط التبريد و اللذوجة المناسبة لكل نوع من الضواغط , table of the types of oils suitable for the appropriate refrigeration and liquefied media and compressors for each type of compressor

Table of oil types suitable for appropriate refrigeration and liquefied media and compressors for each type of compressor

PAO (Polyalphaolefi n) Polyamphalene oil

MN (Mineral Naphthenic) Oil

AB (Alkylbenzene) Petrol oil

POE (Polyol Ester) Polyethylene oil

PG (Polyglycol) Polyglycol