mbsm.pro , Compresseur Aspera , Embraco ,NEK2168GK , R404a/R507 , LBP ,3/4 HP,nominal output: 707 W

EMBRACO is a company specialized in cooling solutions and
world leader in the hermetic compressor market. Our mission:
provide innovative solutions for a better quality of life, always
attentive to technological excellence and sustainability.
Technological leadership, operational excellence and sustainability are some of the pillars
which ensure the EMBRACO differential over other companies in the world market. Its
products are now considered the favorite leading home appliance manufacturers by major
automakers and are spotlighted by manufacturers of commercial refrigeration equipment.
With global operations and production capacity exceeding 34 million units a year, the
company offers solutions that are differentiated for their innovation and low energy
consumption. Its 11.500 employees work in factories and offices located in Brazil
(headquarters), China, Italy, Slovakia, Mexico, the United States and Russia.
Energy efficiency is constantly sought in the processes, products and relationships with
the communities where it operates. Our company is the absolute leader in this segment,
being able to offer products that meet the most restrictive international standards
regarding energy consumption.
As a worldwide leader, EMBRACO tries to anticipate market changes, and in doing so, our
company is in a state of permanent transformation. We continuously assess our processes
in order to maintain our leadership within the industry and promote growth, without
forgetting the pillars of our organization.

Compressor ASPERA NEK2168GK | NEK 2168 GK

Refigerant R404/R507
Working range[stC] LBP -40 to -10
Nominal capacity [W]  (evaporating temperature -23,3C, Condensing temperatur +54,4C) 688
Power supply 220-240V 50Hz
Engine type CSIR
Displacement [cm³] 14,28
Weight [kg] 11,6

Evaporating temperature +55 C 

Evaporating Temperature Cooling Capacity +/-5% Power Consumption +/-5% Current Consumption +/-5% Gas Flow Rate +/-5% Efficiency +/-7%
°C (kcal/h) (W) (Btu/h) (W) (A) (kg/h) (kcal/Wh) (W/W)
-40 226 263 897 370 3,46 6,01 0,61 0,71
-35 309 359 1.224 435 3,57 8,22 0,71 0,82
-30 413 481 1.640 506 3,73 11,06 0,82 0,95
-25 541 629 2.146 584 3,95 14,52 0,93 1,08
-20 691 803 2.740 668 4,21 18,64 1,03 1,20
-15 863 1.004 3.424 759 4,53 23,43 1,14 1,32
-10 1.058 1.230 4.197 856 4,90 28,92 1,24 1,44
Refrigerant: R404A, R507

mbsm.pro , Compresseur Aspera , Embraco NEK2168GK , R404A , LBP ,3/4 HP

Compresseur hermetique de Aspera – Embraco NEK2168GK – R404A

3/4 HP

220-240V 50 Hz

Cylindrée =  14.3 CM3


Moteur type: CSR

www.mbsm.pro , when capacitor explodes , Pictures

A capacitor is a device used to store an electric charge, consisting of one or more pairs of conductors separated by an insulator.

Unexpectedly the electrolytic capacitors explodes with huge sound and sometime it smoke.

Get started , how to explode a capacitor ???
All capacitors have a maximum voltage and their destruction depends upon the internal construction. Explosions are understood only by delving into the internal construction of electrolytic capacitors – the primary culprit.

Most small value capacitors are simple sandwiches of conductor and insulator and when the voltage exceeds the dielectric strength of the insulation, they short out and burn, crack, pop, open, or smoke. Explosions are rare for these. Popping open is more likely. Their failure is self evident either visually or by failure to function in the circuit.

Most large value capacitors in order to be as small in physical size as possible, have to get the conductive plates of the capacitor as close together as possible and at the same time not so small that the voltage rating is impractical.

It is for this reason that the family of electrolytic capacitors was developed. The trick they use to get high capacity with small separations and reasonable voltage is that they use the “anodizing” of chemical electrolysis on one surface and a water based electrolyte for the other surface. Take one apart and see.

Notice that when a conductive metal is “anodized” by electrochemical process it turns into a dull film that is rather tough and is an insulator. This means that the actual conductive plate of the capacitor has this film entirely between itself and the other plate.

Then the other plate uses a trick too. There’s a water base solution soaked into a paper separator. Now if there was no water, the paper would be the dielectric of a normal capacitor separating the plates. But not here. Here the water has an alkali added to become a fair conductor. And as a liquid it soaks right into the surface structures of the capacitor. So it’s not the paper thickness at all – and not even the insulating surface on the other plate, but the inner recesses of the anodized surface that determine the dielectric distances.

So the operating voltage that a capacitor can tolerate depends upon how thick this anodized film is. And that is a function of it’s manufacture. Now there is a most useful characteristic that tells us we are nearing the max voltage, called leakage.

Here is a way you can check this out. Put in series, a test electrolytic capacitor (polarize it correctly), a variable power supply, a microammeter, and a 1 meg resistor (to limit and protect the meter). From zero as you increase the voltage there will be no current initially, then as you approach the spec op voltage, there will start a small leakage current. Since you have a limiting resistor here, you can increase the voltage without damage. continuing to increase the voltage discovers an increasing leakage current. It is a matter of practice how much safety you apply between the rating and the actual voltage of the circuit.

You can now see how it is that an electrolytic capacitor fails, it is not a voltage breakdown of the dielectric material, but the increase of leakage current that is troublesome. A rising leakage means heat which will boil the water and make steam – that’s the explosion process.

This is explosion as occasional failure of the few. But there is a more spectacular explosion process – it’s explosion by mistake – namely being installed backward. In such a case, the anodizing chemistry is reversed and rather rapidly, the anodized film starts to reverse, and quickly thins out at a weak spot in the rather large effective film area of the capacitor. Then we have short circuit currents and steam generation rather quickly. This sort of explosion usually fills the space (the casing or the whole room if exposed) with little shreads of aluminum foil and alkali soaked paper.

This insightful solution is most successful to achieve capacitors with large values in small spaces, but has a lot of lesser characteristics as the price to pay.

The worst limit, is storage. Electrolytic capacitors store very poorly, and the voltage rating can reduce substantially as the internal chemistry deteriorates. Some equipment manufacturers recommend that capacitors stored for a few years have their inner anodizing conditions restored by simply putting them to the spec voltage for a day to restore full spec.

At the least, if you replace capacitors with old stock, and it didn’t explode when power was restored, be aware that it may not reach it’s spec capacity value for a few hours. A capacitor in use will always be maintained by the voltage in the circuit you use it in.

When electrolytics are used without the circuit supplying a maintenance voltage to keep the anodized film that all depends upon, such as in speaker cross over applications that have no sustaining DC, then the values of the capacitor will deteriorate at least at storage rates, and if AC currents are substantial, even faster.

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Mbsm.pro , جدول بأنواع الزيوت المناسبة لوسائط وضواغط التبريد و اللذوجة المناسبة لكل نوع من الضواغط , table of the types of oils suitable for the appropriate refrigeration and liquefied media and compressors for each type of compressor

table of the types of oils suitable for the appropriate refrigeration and liquefied media and compressors for each type of compressor

جدول بأنواع الزيوت المناسبة لوسائط وضواغط التبريد و اللذوجة المناسبة لكل نوع من الضواغط 
PAO (Polyalphaolefi n) زيت بولى ألفا أوليفن 
MN (Mineral Naphthenic) زيت مينرال 
AB (Alkylbenzene)زيت الكيل بنزين 
POE (Polyol Ester) زيت بولي استر
PG (Polyglycol) زيت بولي جليكول

Table of oil types suitable for appropriate refrigeration and liquefied media and compressors for each type of compressor  

PAO (Polyalphaolefi n) Polyamphalene oil  

MN (Mineral Naphthenic) Oil  

AB (Alkylbenzene) Petrol oil  

POE (Polyol Ester) Polyethylene oil 

PG (Polyglycol) Polyglycol

www.mbsm.pro , EJECTEUR DAB, Pompe Monobloc Série Pa Double Aspiration Autoamorcante

Électropompe centrifuge autoamorçante double aspiration du type jet, appropriée pour l’aspiration jusqu’à 50m de profondeur. Corps de pompe et support en fonte, roue en noryl ou sur demande en laiton. Injecteur type P20 standard de 4\” et 2\”. Température maxi. du liquide pompé : 50°C. Pression maxi. de fonctionnement : 8 bars.
Descriptif produit
Pompe pour aspirations profondes

Plage de fonctionnement: jusqu’à 4,3 m³/h

Plage de température du liquide: de -0°C à 40°C pour autres applications. de 0°C à +35°C pour usage domestique Liquide pompé: propre, ne contenant pas de corps solides ou abrasifs, non visqueux, non agressif, non cristallisé et chimiquement neutre.

Température ambiante maximum: + 40°C

Pression de service maximum: 6 bar (600 kPa) pour DP 82 DP 102 8 bar (800 kPa) pour DP 151 – DP 251

Indice de protection: IP 44 (IP 55 au bornier)

Classe d’isolement: F

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www.mbsm.pro, AEZ1360A, Kirby, Tecumseh, Compressors ,low back, pressure, models, 240v/50HT , 1PH , 1/5Hp , Gaz 12A

AEZ1360A, Kirby, Tecumseh, Compressors ,low back, pressure, models, 240v/50HT , 1PH , 1/5Hp , Gaz 12A

www.mbsm.pro, AEZ1360A, Kirby, Tecumseh, Compressors ,low back, pressure, models, 240v/50HT , 1PH , 1/5Hp , Gaz 12A

Points forts : Compresseur aez1360a pour réfrigérateur fagor FAGOR MA-10CA562COMP-QZQAZ

Modèles d’appareils concernés: – CAV999GTH – CAV999GTHF – CFG24 – CFG24 – CFV265 – CFV265F – CFV275 – CFV275A – CFV275 – CFV275H – CFV275 – CFV275I – CFV275 – CFV275J – CFV275 – CFV275K – CRISTAL27 – CRISTAL27F – CRISTAL278 – CRISTAL278F – CRISTAL28 – CRISTAL28F – CRISTAL32 – CRISTAL32A – CRISTAL32 – CRISTAL32B – CRISTAL32 – CRISTAL32F – CVH21 – CVH21A – CVH21 – CVH21F – CVH21 – CVH21G – CVL215 – CVL215F – CVL215 – CVL215S – CVL215 – CVL215T – CVL215 – CVL215U – CVL26 – CVL26A – CVL26 – CVL26F – CVL265 – CVL265F – CVL265 – CVL265R – CVL265 – CVL265S – CVL265 – CVL265T – CVL265 – CVL265U – CVL265 – CVL265V – CVL265 – CVL265W – CVT280 – CVT280H – CVT280 – CVT280J – CVT280 – CVT280K – DF1275 – DF1275F – DF24 – DF24F – DF24 – DF24G – DF246 – DF246F – DF246 – DF246R – DF246 – DF246T – DF246 – DF246U – DF246 – DF246V – DF27 – DF27F – DF27 – DF27G – DF275 – DF275F – DF275 – DF275R – DF275 – DF275T – DF275 – DF275U – DF277 – DF277F – DF277 – DF277G – DF2775 – DF2775F – DF2775 – DF2775G – DF2800 – DF2800 – DF2800 – DF2800F – DF2800 – DF2800R – DF2800 – DF2800S – DF2800 – DF2800T – DF2800 – DF2800U – DF29 – DF29F – DF29 – DF29G – DF32 – DF32 – DF32 – DF32F – DF32 – DF32L – DF325 – DF325F – DF325 – DF325L – DF7275 – DF7275 – DF7275 – DF7275F – DF7275 – DF7275R – DF7275 – DF7275T – DF7275 – DF7275U – DF7275 – DF7275V – DF8275 – DF8275F – DF8275 – DF8275G – DF8275 – DF8275H – DP4922 – DP4922 – DP4922 – DP49221 – DP4922 – DP49221J – DP4922 – DP49221K – DP4922 – DP49221UM – DP4922 – DP4922H – DP4922 – DP4922UM – DS3000 – DS3000F – DU315 – DU315F – DU315 – DU315R – DU315 – DU315S – DU315 – DU315T – DU315 – DU315U – DU3175 – DU3175F – DU3175 – DU3175G – DU32 – DU32A – DU32 – DU32B – DU32 – DU32F – DU35 – DU35A – DU35 – DU35B – DU35 – DU35F – DU35 – DU35G – DU350 – DU350F – DU350 – DU350R – DU350 – DU350S – DU350 – DU350T – DU350 – DU350U – DU355 – DU355F – DU355 – DU355R – DU355 – DU355S – DU355 – DU355T – DU355 – DU355U – DU355 – DU355V – DU357 – DU357A – DU357 – DU357B – DU357 – DU357F – DU357 – DU357G – DU3570 – DU3570F – DU3575 – DU3575F – DU3575 – DU3575G – DU36 – DU36A – DU36 – DU36B – DU36 – DU36F – DU36 – DU36G – DU367 – DU367A – DU367 – DU367B – DU367 – DU367F – DU367 – DU367G – DUO330E – DUO330EF – DUO330E – DUO330EG – DUO352E – DUO365ES – DUO365E – DUO365E – DUO365E – DUO365EF – DUO365E – DUO365EG – DUO365E – DUO365EH – DUO365E – DUO365EI – DUO365E – DUO365ER – DUO366T – DUO366TF – DUO36X – DU36XF – DUO430LX – DUO430LXF – DUO465LX – DUO465LXF – DV33 – DV33A – DV33 – DV33B – DV33 – DV33F – DV33 – DV33G – DV337 – DV337A – DV337 – DV337B – DV337 – DV337F – DV337 – DV337G – DV3378 – DV3378F – DV338 – DV338F – DV338 – DV338R – DV338 – DV338S – DV338 – DV338T – DV338 – DV338U – FA1325 – FA1325G – FCD330 – FCD330F – FCD330 – FCD330G – FCD370 – FCD370F – FCD370 – FCD370G – FDT260 – FDT260F – FDT290 – FDT290F – GS210 – GS210B – GS210 – GS210F – K150 – K150 – K150 – K150A – K150 – K150B – K150 – K150F – K150 – K150G – RHONE300 – RHONE300G – RHONE300 – RHONE300H – SF306EV – SF306EVF – SFV350 – SFV350F – SI2010 – SI2010 – SI2010 – SI2010A – SI2010 – SI2010F – SI2010 – SI2010H – SI2011 – SI2011 – SI2011 – SI2011F – SI2011 – SI2011G – SI2011WG – SI2011 – SI3010 – SI3010 – SI3010 – SI3010A – SI3010 – SI3010F – SI3010 – SI3010H – SI3010N – SI3010NF – SI3010N – SI3010NG – SI3011 – SI3011 – SI3011 – SI3011F – SI3011 – SI3011G – SI3011WG – SI3011 – SI3090 – SI3090G – SI3090 – SI3090H – SI3810 – SI3810 – SI3810 – SI3810A – SI3810 – SI3810F – SI3810 – SI3810G – SI3810 – SI3810H – SI3810N – SI3810NF – SI3810N – SI3810NG – SI3811 – SI3811 – SI3811 – SI3811F – SI3811 – SI3811G – SI3890 – SI3890G – SI3890 – SI3890H – SI4610 – SI4610 – SI4610 – SI4610A – SI4610 – SI4610F – SI4610 – SI4610H – SI4610N – SI4610NF – SI4610N – SI4610NG – SI4611 – SI4611 – SI4611 

Référence : MA-10CA562COMP-QZQAZ

www.mbsm.pro , Original New, ASD53K, Original New 1/6HP, R134a, LBP, Wanbao, Refrigerator, compressor, China, R134A, 220V/50Hz, 1PH, 144W, Huaguang, Refrigerator Reciprocating

www.mbsm.pro , Original New, ASD53K, Original New 1/6HP, R134a, LBP, Wanbao, Refrigerator, compressor,China, R134A, 220V/50Hz, 1PH, 144W, Huaguang, Refrigerator Reciprocating

www.mbsm.pro , Original New, ASD53K, Original New 1/6HP, R134a, LBP, Wanbao, Refrigerator, compressor,China, R134A, 220V/50Hz, 1PH, 144W, Huaguang, Refrigerator Reciprocating

Wanbao Group Compressor Co.,Ltd ( Formerly known as Guangzhou Refrigeration Company Ltd, hereinafter referred as The Co.), started its production in 1987, is the first manufacturer to infroduce foreign technology and equipment for large-scale production of refrigerator compressor in China. In 2014, The Co. acquired the overseas refrigerator compressor manufacturer-Italy ACC, and then founded Italian Wanbao-ACC Co., Ltd. This action upgrades Wanbao compressor from market internationlization towards manufacturing internationalization, and lays solid foundation to brand internationalization for the next step.

The Co. has four production bases in Guangzhou, Qingdao, Hefei, and Italy, with annual production capacity of 26 million units, thus forged a strategic global layout covering both domestic and foreign major customers. Wanbao China  mainl supplies to large domestic refrigerator manufacturers including Haier, Hisense, Midea, Meiling, etc, as well as international famous home appliance manufacturers including Electrolux Whirlpool, etc., as their global supplier. Wanbao-ACC Italy is a major supplier of European high-end brand home appliance manufacturers.

Model Refrigerant Voltage Cooling Capacity (w) Application COP(w/w)
AS43 R134a 220V/50Hz 84 LBP 0.94
AS51 R134a 220V/50Hz 107 LBP 1.01
ASD43K R134a 220V/50Hz 117 LBP 1.13
ASD53K R134a 220V/50Hz 144 LBP 1.2
ASD65 R134a 220V/50Hz 173 LBP 1.23
ATA72X R134a 220V/50Hz 205 LBP 1.35
ATA80X R134a 220V/50Hz 230 LBP 1.35
ANA90 R134a 220V/50Hz 255 LBP 1.35
AQAW110 R134a 220V/50Hz 260 LBP 1.15
ANA120 R134a 220V/50Hz 345 LBP 1.3

Resin Pack ,Brushless ,Dc motor , Gangdomg ,Welling Motor Manufacturing ,CO.,LTD. ,DC280v ,20w , 0.10a ECL ,8P 1300r/min

Resin Pack ,Brushless ,Dc motor , Gangdomg ,Welling Motor Manufacturing ,CO.,LTD. ,DC280v ,20w , 0.10a ECL ,8P 1300r/min

Testing This Motor

Red Conect To condensator

Blue To Neutral

Wihle Speed 1

yellow Speed 2

Black Speed 3

www.mbsm.pro , panne , compresseur, frigorifique , pas de refoulement et présence d’aspiration

www.mbsm.pro , panne , compresseur, frigorifique , pas de refoulement et présence d’aspiration

Solution d’absence de refoulement et de changer le compresseur c’est une clapets casser  

Comment tester les clapets d’un compresseur ?

Les clapets d’aspiration et de refoulement d’un compresseur à piston sont des organes relativement fragiles qui peuvent être détériorés par des coups de liquide massif ou par une succession de coups de liquide ou encore un manque de refroidissement du compresseur.
Quand doit-on suspecter que les clapets d’un compresseur sont hors service ou passablement usés.
  • La production frigorifique est faible.
  • Le temps de fonctionnement du compresseur est élevé
  • La basse pression est plutôt haute.
  • La haute pression est plutôt basse.
  • La température de refoulement est élevée.
  • Le point de consigne demandé est difficile à atteindre.
Bien entendu ces quelques points de repère ne sont pas uniquement constatés dans le cas de clapets détériorés mais ils doivent inciter à les vérifiés.

Procédure de vérification des clapets.

Mettre en place les manomètres HP et BP.
Essai des clapets d’aspiration
  • Fermer sur l’avant la vanne d’aspiration.
  • Shunter le pressostats basse pression.
  • Mettre en route le compresseur.
  • Le compresseur tire au vide très rapidement, les clapets d’aspiration sont fonctionnels.
  • Le compresseur a beaucoup de mal à tirer au vide, les clapets d’aspiration hors service.
Essai des clapets de refoulement.
  • Après avoir fait les essais des clapets d’aspiration et avoir arrêté le compresseur.
  • Observer le manomètre basse pression, la pression dans le carter ne doit pas remonter rapidement.
  • Si c’est le cas les clapets de refoulement sont fuyards.
Nb :
Si l’huile contenu dans le carter émulsionne de façon importante, c’est que l’huile contient du fluide frigorigène, ce qui peut être gênant pour le diagnostic. Vérifier que la résistance de carter soit bien en fonctionnement.

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www.mbsm.pro , ASD65 , R134A ,220V/50Hz ,1/5HP 173W ,Huaguang ,Refrigerator, Compressor ,LBP

Wanbao Group Compressor Co.,Ltd ( Formerly known as Guangzhou Refrigeration Company Ltd, hereinafter referred as The Co.), started its production in 1987, is the first manufacturer to infroduce foreign technology and equipment for large-scale production of refrigerator compressor in China. In 2014, The Co. acquired the overseas refrigerator compressor manufacturer-Italy ACC, and then founded Italian Wanbao-ACC Co., Ltd. This action upgrades Wanbao compressor from market internationlization towards manufacturing internationalization, and lays solid foundation to brand internationalization for the next step.

The Co. has four production bases in Guangzhou, Qingdao, Hefei, and Italy, with annual production capacity of 26 million units, thus forged a strategic global layout covering both domestic and foreign major customers. Wanbao China  mainl supplies to large domestic refrigerator manufacturers including Haier, Hisense, Midea, Meiling, etc, as well as international famous home appliance manufacturers including Electrolux Whirlpool, etc., as their global supplier. Wanbao-ACC Italy is a major supplier of European high-end brand home appliance manufacturers.

Model Refrigerant Voltage Cooling Capacity (w) Application COP(w/w)
AS43 R134a 220V/50Hz 84 LBP 0.94
AS51 R134a 220V/50Hz 107 LBP 1.01
ASD43K R134a 220V/50Hz 117 LBP 1.13
ASD53K R134a 220V/50Hz 144 LBP 1.2
ASD65 R134a 220V/50Hz 173 LBP 1.23
ATA72X R134a 220V/50Hz 205 LBP 1.35
ATA80X R134a 220V/50Hz 230 LBP 1.35
ANA90 R134a 220V/50Hz 255 LBP 1.35
AQAW110 R134a 220V/50Hz 260 LBP 1.15
ANA120 R134a 220V/50Hz 345 LBP 1.3

www.mbsm.pro , Cold ,refrigeration ,compressor 1/4 hp, QD76HG ,HM Series , R134a ,HBP


Commercial Back Compressors

(HBP R134a)

Application:Mostly used for Dehumidifier,Beer Machine and Big Water Cooler

Model Disp.
Power Supply   V/Hz Horse Power    HP Cooling Capacity                COP          W/W Motor          Type Cooling Refrigerant
Watt Kcal/Hr. Btu/Hr.
QD43 4.30 220-240/50   1/7 472 408 1610 2.40 RSCR ST R134a
QD52 5.20   1/6 550 475 1877 2.42 RSCR ST
QD59 5.90  1/5- 630 544 2150 2.45 RSCR ST
QD65 6.50   1/5 682 589 2327 2.45 RSCR ST
QD76HG 7.60  1/4- 746 645 2545 2.45 RSCR ST
QD91HG 9.10   1/4 935 808 3190 2.46 RSCR ST
QD110HG 11.00   1/3 1026 886 3501 2.43 RSCR F